Changes come to Milford schools


This summer is one of transition for Milford Public Schools. Longtime superintendent Kevin Wingard has retired and Dr. Mitch Kubicek will be stepping into the position in July.

Wingard said business continues at the district, with summer school ending June 28. The Milford Family, Career and Community Leaders of America sent eight representatives to nationals June 29-July 3.

“It’s fun to see our kids at the national level,” Wingard said.

Negotiations with the teachers have been ongoing, and Wingard said they’ll likely see a 3.5% increase in salaries and insurance.

One of the big things Kubicek and the school board will be working on is how to cover a loss of over $800,000 in state aid for the 2024-25 school year. Wingard said board member Dave Welsch has been very involved in the school funding discussions at the state level.

Wingard said the district has tried to limit spending on new items and maintenance because the state aid amounts have been so fluid.

“We have not ordered anything, not done building upkeep,” he said, adding that the district has increased spending for maintenance 0.6% in the past couple years.

With the upcoming special legislative session, he said, he hoped the district would have some options for next year. He expects Kubicek and the board to develop a multi-year plan to catch up on projects that were delayed because of funding concerns.

Wingard said the district’s staff positions are all filled for 2024-25. Three positions were not replaced, including an administrator, a teacher and a paraprofessional. He said staffing depends on student numbers and needs.

The July school board meeting will be Tuesday, July 16.