CITY OF MILFORD Milford, Nebraska 68405 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a Six Year Road and Street Plan for the City of Milford, Nebraska as required by …


CITY OF MILFORD Milford, Nebraska 68405 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that a Six Year Road and Street Plan for the City of Milford, Nebraska as required by NEB.REV.STAT. Sec. 39-2119 et seq. R.R.S. and has been recommended for approval by the Mayor and City Council, at the special meeting of the Mayor and Council and that a Public Hearing be held on said Six Year Road and Street Plan on the 24th day of September, 2024 beginning at 7:00 pm at the City Hall Office, 402 1st Street, Milford, at which time objections to or recommendations for said Plan will be heard. The special board meeting of the Mayor and City Council will commence immediately upon adjournment of the preceding budget hearings, and Six Year Road and Street Plan hearing which will begin at 7:00 pm on September 24, 2024, and continue until all attendee testimony has concluded. An agenda for such meeting kept continuously current, is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk at the City Hall. Jeanne Hoggins, City Clerk MT — September 11, 2024 ZNEZ