Highway 6 construction expected to be completed in October


Even after heavy rain, the construction on Highway 6 through Milford is still expected to be completed by October, according to maintenance superintendent Gary Teselle.

The construction spans Highway 6 from Welch Park Road to Second Street. Teselle said construction started in May of this year and should be completed by October.

Teselle said road construction has been impacted by rainfall, making the process slow down. 

“Rains have been making it go slower than what they would like, because they can't get what's called the compaction underneath,” Teselle said. “If they don't get the compaction for the correct underlayment to put the concrete on, the roadway would bust up again.”

The most important, yet difficult, part of the road construction has been between Second Street and Maple Avenue, according to Teselle. Having the roadway ready and open near that section of town is crucial for students attending Southeast Community College to be able to access the school.

The roadway construction will have more than just aesthetic benefits for Milford. During this construction, water mains will be moved to the south side of the road. Teselle said keeping them where they currently are located, under the driving lane, would result in them not being able to survive.

While Teselle has said he has noticed the change to be difficult, he said he believes that it’s all worth the wait. 

“In the long run, it will really be nice,” Teselle said. “It’s a big improvement for Milford.”