Milford pool persists through delays


Despite multiple delays to start the summer off, the Milford pool is working hard to make sure that they can stay open as much as possible.

But even with the hard work, they have had to shut down some areas, stay closed on certain days, and even postpone the season starting.

“(The people of Milford) have been bummed that we’ve been closed for two weeks and that we may have shorter hours,” pool manager Elizabeth Struwe said. 

One of the major reasons for the pool opening delay was mechanical issues that plagued the facility.

“We had our water main break, the boiler went out, the wading pool welder burned up, just a whole lot of unforeseen things.” Milford Water Operator Gary Teselle said. “The water pump tested out earlier in the spring fine, and we went to fire it up a few weeks ago and it smoked.”

Another major issue that the pool has been dealing with on top of the mechanical issues is being short staffed, having eight guards on staff and needing closer to 10. 

“There's days that we don't have enough staff, we probably won’t be able to open, but that does not happen too often.” Struwe said.

Struwe and her staff are hard at work to make sure the summer goes smoothly despite the problems.

“We’re going to work as a team and I myself am going to try to cover as much as I can.” Struwe said. “I’m going to try my best to allow everyone to have time off that they need, but we’ll be working as a team to step up and help each other out.”

While people are disappointed about the delays with the pool, staff asks for continued patience as they navigate through. 

“Give (the staff) some patience and understanding to the guards and Elizabeth is going to do a really good job for us.” Teselle said. 

The pool is open for open swim every day this summer from 1-7 p.m.