PROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLEASANT DALE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following is a condensed version of the minutes from the August 8th 2024 regular meeting for the Pleasant Dale Board of …


PROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLEASANT DALE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following is a condensed version of the minutes from the August 8th 2024 regular meeting for the Pleasant Dale Board of Trustees. A complete copy of the minutes is on file with the Village. Clerk’s Office and posted at the following three places: the Community Hall, U.S. Post Office, and the American Legion’s bulletin boards The next regular meeting will be held on September 12th, 2024 at 7:00pmPleasant Dale Board of Trustees convened on August 8th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. The Chair noted the posting location of the Open Meetings Act on the East Wall, as required by law. Members Present: Jack Jurgens, Dennis Hill, Jeff Oehm, Leroy Trease, and Leslie Thomas Also, Present – Clerk: Kristi Bridgford Approval of the 7/11/2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. Moved by Trease, Seconded by Oehm Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Commissioner’s Reports Buildings –Looking into replacing garage door weather stripping Fire –Nothing to Report Parks – Nothing to Report Streets –Nothing to Report Water/Sewer –coliform pfos/Teflon negative. Water operator training. Relief valve leaking, Sargent worked on it Other Reports Planning and Zoning –nothing to report Sheriff’s Report-Emailed to board Building Inspector/Permits –0 new Business (Review, discuss, approve) Resolution 2024-06 Ball Field Responsibilities & Expenses Oehm made a Motion to approve Resolution 2024-06 Ballfield Responsibilities and expenses. Seconded by Jurgens. Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Ball Field Equipment Shed-Park Budget-Tabled Tree removal Bids-Budget $3000 parks Trees for Park-Budget $2500Reviewed Revenue Report/Approval of Claims for August 2024Motion by Trease to approve the Claims and Revenue Report for August 2024, Seconded by Hill. Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Abbreviations: Ins-Insurance; Li- License Renewal; Pub-Publishing; Qt – Quarterly Filing; ReReimbursement; Se-Services; Su-Supplies; Tr-Travel; Tx – Tax, Ut-Utilities: Bridgford, K-Re $58.96, Hill, DRe $29.48, League of Municipalities-Li $996.00, Miller and Associates-Se $546.60, Norris PPD-Ut $1191.52, NE Public Health Lab Se-$15.00, Seward Co. Independent-Pub $71.82, Sargent Drilling-Se $2300.00, Uribe-Ut $779.00, USPS-Su $73.00, Windstream – Ut $147.77 Salaries – $2742.80 Total Claims- $8951.95 Set Agenda for September 12th Adjourned at 7:55 P.M. Kristi Bridgford, Village Clerk MT — September 18, 2024 ZNEZ