Service sitting down

SCC students build oversized chair for community service project


Southeast Community College’s campus in Milford recently installed an oversized blue adirondack chair outside of the G. Alan Dunlap center.

The chair was a contribution to the campus as a requirement of the Scott Pathway Scholarship, a scholarship that provides full tuition room and board for 25 students per year on campus. Students must complete a community service project in order to receive the scholarship.

“That had to be six to eight hours they had to have on their project,” said Scott Pathway Director Tracy Kerner. “They built it in one of their garages at home. All four of them got together, built it, took it apart and then brought it here and put it back together.”

Student Channing Ogden spearheaded the plan to create this chair and enlisted the help of his roommates, Keegan Converse, Braydon Geiger, and Aidan Lindbeck. 

Ogden had seen other projects done before to fulfill this requirement, but he wanted to do something special for the campus.

“If we're going to do something and spend our time on it, we should make something awesome that people will remember us for,” Ogden said.

While countless service projects for the requirements of this scholarship have been done in the past, this is the first time that a project like this has been donated to the campus. 

After the planning was completed, the students got the chair built very quickly. 

“It was a pretty smooth project, it only took four days, it wasn't consecutive, it was in a span of two weeks,” Ogden said. “Probably the hardest issue that we had to deal with was planning around everyone's schedules.” 

The chair was placed on a newly poured concrete slab outside of the G. Alan Dunlap center and a plaque will be placed by the chair soon with the names of the students on it saying placing the chair in the honor of Walter Scott Jr.