PROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLEASANT DALE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following is a condensed version of the minutes from the June 13th 2024 meeting of the Pleasant. Dale Board of Trustees. A …


PROCEEDINGS OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLEASANT DALE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following is a condensed version of the minutes from the June 13th 2024 meeting of the Pleasant. Dale Board of Trustees. A complete copy of the minutes is on file with the Village Clerk’s Office and posted at the following three places: the Community Hall, U.S. Post Office, and the American Legion’s bulletin boards The next regular meeting will be held on July 11th, 2024 at 7:00pm Pleasant Dale Board of Trustees convened on June 13th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. The Chair noted the posting location of the Open Meetings Act on the East Wall, as required by law. Members Present: Dennis Hill, Jeff Oehm, Leroy Trease, Also, Present – Clerk: Kristi Bridgford Absent- Jack Jurgens and Leslie Thomas. Approval of the 5/13/2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. Moved by Hill, seconded by Oehm. Affirmative Vote:Motion Carried. Approval of the 5/22/2024 Special Meeting Minutes. Moved by Oehm, seconded by Hill. Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Commissioner’s Reports Buildings –Nothing to Report Fire –Street Dance Saturday June 15th @ 6pm June 30th Water fights 12:30 parks – Ash trees dying check into diseased Trees Streets –Nothing to Report Water/Sewer –Angle Gear Drive on well installed today 6/13/2024 Ran with Tractor looks good, no ramp needed plenty of clearance Other Reports Planning and Zoning –Meet in June next week-new applicant-another vacancy needs addressed Sheriff’s Report-Emailed to board-walnut street needs some attention Building Inspector/Permits –0 new Business (Review, discuss, approve)Ballfield Rentals-Ballfield coaches and commissioners presented documents and discussed roles, responsibilities, and potential budgeting to work with the Village, create systems, and organization. Meeting July 11th at next meeting for proposed new resolution for rentals. Seward Co. Grant Writing-Tabled Trees in Park/Baseball Field-Tabled Clerk Treasurer Workload-discussed adding hours with potential of extra 10-15hrs per month of work for Fire Dept. Financials. Add Laptop and new drive system. Resolution 2024-04 Overgrown Weeds/Yards Property-not needed remove from records Resolution 2024-05 Tractor for sale/Sealed Bids-Bids start June 17th to be submitted to Village office by July 8th 2024. Bids will be opened at board meeting July 11th. Bid submissions must include bid amount, name, address, and phone number in sealed envelope, marking the outside of the envelope “contains a bid” Only highest bid will be notified. Board reserves the right to refuse bids in the vent bids are not deemed sufficient. Moved by Trease, Seconded by Oehm. Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Declare 2nd Vacancy for P&Z Committee-Moved by Oehm Seconded by Hill. Affirmative Vote: Carried. Upper Big Blue Hazard Mitigation Plan, Addition and Finalize-Hold special Meeting Monday June 17th 7PMReviewed Revenue Report/Approval of Claims for June 2024Motion by Hill Seconded by Oehm. Affirmative Vote: Motion Carried. Abbreviations: Ins-Insurance; Li- License Renewal; Pub-Publishing; Qt – Quarterly Filing; Re- Reimbursement; Se-Services; Su-Supplies; Tr-Travel; Tx – Tax, Ut-Utilities: Bridgford, K-Re $29.48, Bromm Lindhal Freeman-Caddy &Lauster- Se $640.00, Hill, D-Re $79.50, McFarland, J Re $192.96, One call Concepts Se-$15.16, Otte Oil and propane-Li$4739.17, NE Health Enviro Lab-Se $31.00, Norris PPD-Ut $1018.48, NE Dept. of Energy Su-$260.00, PD Ball Association Re-$3158.03, Quill-Su $29.99, Reimers Kaufman Concrete-Su $82.10, Seward Co. Independent-Pub $43.18, Seward Co. Sherrif-Li $1308.00, T&S Services-Re $214.21, Uribe-Ut $417.50, USPS-Li $72.00, USPS-Su $68.00, Western oil-Su $121.00, Windstream – Ut $145.86 Salaries - $3675.53 Total Claims- $16341.15 Set Agenda for July 11th, 2024 Adjourned at 8:24 P.M Kristi Bridgford, Village Clerk MT — June 10, 2024 ZNEZ